Art and Its Impact On Our Lives

Art is a very important aspect in our lives and in the book, Between Shades of Grey. In our lives, it communicates with the past, present, and future, it gives us something to relate to, and it shows us new stories of new people. In the book, similar answers of why art is an important aspect appear. In this post, we will explore how Lina and the readers have these aspects and how Lina uses art in the book to communicate with her father and to use the Soviets.

Art is important in our lives because it communicates with the past, present, and future, it gives us something to relate to, and it shows us new stories of new people. Here is some images of art that shows all three of these topics. Some of these include The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh and  The Last Supper by Leonardo. Plus, if you think about it, the world would be pretty boring without art. There would be no graphic t-shirts, no creative outlet for children and adults, and no way to express yourself in an artistic fashion.

Then there is the impact of art in the book, Between Shades of Grey. Lina tries to communicate with her father through art for most of the book. The question for the reader to find out as they read is will she be able to communicate with her father through her art or will something tragic happen? I’ll leave that for you to find out, but the love that is put in the art is what keeps their bond strong through the book.

As for using the Soviets to her advantage, Lina impresses them wit her art skills and so for two art pieces, she gets more rations (food) to survive on for the day. Here, for your own pleasure, is a picture of one of the maps ‘she’ drew:

I hope you have enjoyed this post, here and here are some links to some interviews and reviews of Between Shades of Grey. Have a fantastic day!


Famous Art Pieces

Interview with the Author


The photo

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